Typography and Images Text and images that gets the point across

The core purpose of a web design is to communicate and typography helps web designers do that!

So, what is Typography? It is a type of art , where you use different techniques to present the written words.

Is it important? Absolutely! It is a priority for web designers. In order to communicate effectively–– does not matter if the page is to provide information or to answer customers questions. The most important part is the text!

Text is a sequence of word. Text’s message stays the same; the amount of time it takes to get the point across through that text is typography. Since words are the only way of communication on a web page it is crucial that it is done effectively and concisely. This is a huge advantage for web designers.

The front color, word positioning, title, and subjects can attract viewer’s attention for long period.


Happy Kid Store - Whimsy

Antique Jewelers - Helvetica

Bus 2 Go - Whimsy


The Last Supper

The Aesthetics of Leonardo Da Vinci's Great Masterwork

When the Duke of Milan, Lodovico Sforza, com­mis­sioned Leonardo da Vinci to paint a de­pic­tion of the Last Sup­per on a re­fec­tory wall of the Do­mini­can con­vent, Santa Maria delle Gra­zie, he could not have dreamed of the ways in which the paint­ing would cap­ture the imag­i­na­tion of not just aca­d­e­mic schol­ars but the mass pub­lic over five hun­dred years after its cre­ation.

The Voices of Type

on Thursday 20th of March 2014

We see type daily, but how well do we listen to it? Today, type designer Eben Sorkin tells us about the subtle yet powerful influence of typographic voice and gauges how tuned in you are with an actual test!

Images can be used for several reasons on a web page. It keeps the reader more focused and entertained vs. without it. However, images can also be used to direct where you want the reader to focus on. For example, you can tilt an image in a direction and unconsciously influence the focus of the reader that way.

Few tips to find the right images:

- Make sure it is relevant–that adds interest to your design and enhance the content of the web page

- Keep it interesting–meaning that don’t use images that are too literal. Think outside the box and create images that adds creativity to the topic

- Images that can create an emotion so keep in mind to choose images that are appealing

Where would anyone find these images?

Depending on your budget there are three options:

1) Create it yourself

2) Purchase stock Images (Royalty-free images etc.)

3) Hire a professional

Created By
nimreet grewal


Created with images by DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library" • moritz320 - "analog drafting bring on the paper" • Arrhakis free textures - "Graffiti Text-ARK-001 - 2015" • Waylin - "words adjectives feelings" • 422737 - "mr site build" • iskws - "2007-12-01 11-34-38OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. E-330 023"

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