Beginning Drawing Final Exam Portfolio Andres Gutierrez

My name is Andres Gutierrez, I am a junior at East. This is my first year taking high school art. My goal is to go to college and get a teaching degree for kids with special needs. My thoughts about this class is that it gives you a chance to be creative. What I learned this semester is when you are drawing while looking at something, draw what you see.

This piece was pretty much an example showing the concepts of art such as Line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space.
For my negative/positive drawings I focused on the shape of the basketball player and used negative space to make up the right side of the body.
(After) really wasn't good at the hand drawing but I did notice a little improvement
For my profile drawing I drew the side profile of my favorite music artist. I focused on the darkest spots of the picture because it was in black and white.
In my stippling drawing since there was really no dark areas in the shoe I spread the dots out, because if you put the dots close together it makes it look darker.
In the still life drawing we took something from real life (3D object) and put it in to a 2D drawing
In This scratch board drawing the little lines are meant to bring out more detail.
My 2-point perspective piece was pretty simple but it still showed the idea of what I was trying to do. The vanishing points on the horizon line depending on how close or far away from each other they are determines how big the picture with be.
So my after portrait turned out way better than the first. I learned to add more detail and I focused on the darkest places. Learning how to draw the features of the face separately really help as well.

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