Diversity make us unique Marcos Arguelles "4A" 12/15/16

How does diversity relates the world? Diversity is a range of different things or ideas. It also changes the way how people look at the world.Diversity involves different types of beliefs and thoughts.

There are some fields or types of diversity. One of them is cultural diversity that is the diverse of different cultures. An example of cultural diversity could be how people dress and their religion or beliefs.

There is also a diversity in sports. It means to understand that each individual is unique and different. An example of diversity in sports is soccer, basketball and football; all of these are different.

Religious diversity is other important field of diversity. Religious diversity can also be called as "Pluralism". It is a policy regarding the diversity of religious beliefs. For example catholic and christianity are religions that are expanded in the whole world.


Diversity is a range of different things and it involves different types of beliefs and thoughts. In conclusion cultural diversity, religious diversity and variety of sports are just examples of how diversity relates in life. Diversity is a great thing in life and it makes a better world by making everyone unique.


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