12 facts on Desmond Doss trenton Franklin

1. Doss enlisted as a medic and refused to carry a rifle

2. The second bloodiest battle took place at Maeda Escarpment.

3. When Doss's battalion was ordered to retreat he refused to leave anyone behind.

4. He saved an estimated 75 people.

5. Doss died in 2006 before his story was put on big screen.

6. Doss married a girl named Dorthy

7. Doss was a medic in the army.

8. Doss's faith was forged in Lynch berg, VA

9. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Doss was working a a shipyard in Newport News.

10. He hoped that when he joined the army as a medic that he wouldn't need a gun.

11. He also hopped that he would be able to rest in honor of the Sabbath on Saturdays.

12. When he arrived for basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C., he quickly became an outcast from the rest of the recruits.


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