Obergefell vs Hodges JAvine HEndricks and Stephanie Walker

Side One: The banning of same sex marriage is violating the 14th Amendment. People sued the law and wanted equality.

Side Two: people did not think that it is violating the 14th Amendment. And religious reasons to keep same sex marriage banned in the state of Ohio.

The Supreme Court Decision: Same sex marriage was/was not stated in the 14th amendment many people object and agree. They left it up to the Judicial in state to take care of the argument if it should be legal or not.

How it affected the laws of the country: New laws have been placed on same sex couples rights. There is still a race between wanting same sex marriage and not wanting it.

How it affected the culture of the country: People in Ohio and are against same sex couples strayed from democratic process. More people started coming out, and wanting to get married.





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