The little water droplet Who couldnt do anything

A little water droplet was born. His name was mark, waters. He was made by the ocean and the clouds with the glacier. Thek way that he was made was evaporation, evaporation is when the clouds take out a little parts from the ocean.

He got rained on to the mountain ( which is precipitatation) and then, hit his head, after that he just started sliding off the mountain he was kinda scared but he was halfway knocked out to so he didn't remember much

He landed back in the water somehow he didn't know where he was. He started looking around didn't see anyone so started playing around in the water again. Later he was being sucked up again (which is again run off)

So later mark ended up in the ground he had a beard and he had lost his hat he wasn't scared but he also was worried he made sense of where he was so he started rushing out of the ground and back into the water where he was before( which is ground water storage/ flow)

He came rushing out. He saw a beautiful sky and yellow sand he knew where he was the. ( Which is accumulation) he was nearby his home. He was back home and everyone was gone... he sat at home fella sleep.... and somehow it happened again not just once but many times.

Created By
Joseph Szymusiak

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