Introduction to Art 2016-2017 By: rachel grigsby

Art is something that I have always loved and something that I really excelled with in grade school. I have always had a passion for it, even though I am not the best artist. Coming into my first real art class I was expecting to learn the right ways to draw and and the techniques on how to do it.

These are the four drawing strategies. The first one is edges and contours. The second one is spaces, the third one is relationships and proportions. And finally the last one is lights and shodows, which is the one that I learned from the most because I never really looked at the lights and shadows and didnt really know what each of the different types were.

My drawing skills I feel have really improved this year. This is a picture of my hand that I drew before I knew the right way. I feel like I made my black and white hand more realistic than my first one.

Chiaraoscuro is when you us light and shadows to make what is not there seem there. I really got a feel for it when I was drawing my second portrait. When I was drawing the nose I really used that technique and I think it turned out god

Going back and looking at mu old self portraits I am so happy that I improved. My first one I had no idea what I was doing, I didnt know where things went. My second one I feel like I did better on. I made my self look more realistic. I am so very proud of how my last piece turned out. I really put a lot of effort in it used my measurements correctly and I think that it turned out well.

If i could redo any project it would have to be the charcoal drawing of my hand. I felt very rushed when I was drawing it and I didnt really know teh proper way to draw a hand. If i had more time and practice I think I could have done better

I used problem solving when it came to this self portrait. I had a really hard time drawing my glasses, with the lights and shadows underneath my eyes . I drew a shadow in wrong, but I fixed it using the lights and darks and keeping a positive attitude.

I had to keep a positive attitude when it came to drawing this because I had some trouble along the way. I didnt think it was very good and I was getting frustrated. But clearing my head really helped me stay focused and have a positive attitude

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