Weimaraners By Clare Heberlig

Look at these cute dogs! Believe it or not, weimaraners were used by royalty a long time ago! Weimaraners are used for hunting, but they're also the perfect pet!

The dog in front sort of looks like my dog Gus!

Even though weimaraners are used for hunting they also get lazy, I don't blame them! Also, he's watching you.

This dog is like my dog, he watches you until you drop food! Hey, we don't bother you while you eat!

We can't forget dogs have birthdays too!! Just don't give them real cake..

Who says Santa has to be a human! Let your dog be Santa too!

Awww look at this cute little puppy! I just want to hug all the weimaraners are in the world!

This puppy says bye bye, I need a nap!


Created with images by mil8 - "kiss" • Renee V - "09.06.08 21" • jerrold huitron - "Coco" • mil8 - "Show-boating" • Renee V - "04.06.07 014" • Renee V - "12.07.09 018"

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