Christmas in Vietnam BY Johnny dang

In Vietnam, people celebrates Christmas kind of different then us here in America. They also celebrate Jesus's birthday, but they eat different foods and unordinary ornaments. Here is how Christmas is celebrated in Vietnam.

Some people in Vietnam refer Christmas to Lunar Year. And for their decorations they have fish and dragon ornaments and chandeliers. They often go to the Catholic Cathedral in the middle of Ho Chi Minh City and they also like to go to the Midnight Mass for plays and Christmas music.

Like mentioned above, the Vietnamese people eat unordinary food compared to us. What they eat are spring/egg rolls, Christmas yule log cake, roasted duck, soup/chicken soup, and rambutans which are grape like tropical fruits that looks like they have spines but they don't. The reason why Christmas yule log cake sounds strange, is because people don't eat them as compared to a regular Christmas cake.

Overall, i think that most traditions of Christmas in Vietnam is similar to that of the US, but their are still stuff that make Lunar year in Vietnam, so unique.


Created with images by jeremi - "Christmas eXo VN 2008" • Pexels - "tree christmas christmas tree" • avrene - "Spring Roll" • GraceFamily - "Christmas Decorations"

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