Growing Le Potatoes By jacob portillo and kaleb skillern (not much)

When our plane crashed, we landed in Libreville, Gabon, which is in the Tropical Rainforest biome. After doing some research on what's worth what here, along with what foods our bodies need, we decided on growing...


Here in Libreville, a single pound of potatoes is only worth a measly 453.59 CFA, equivalent to $0.7319. Not even a single dollar... We sure are living poor, aren't we?

Potatoes take around 3 months to grow, so while we grow them, we can hopefully find food in the surrounding area to eat.

We have created a chart with the nutritional value of 100g of potatoes, seen below.

Potato (100g)


Calories 77

Total Fat 0.1g

Cholesterol 0mg

Sodium 6mg

Potassium 421 mg

Total Carbs 17g (fiber 2.2g Sugar .8g)

Protein 2g

Vit A 0%

Vit C 32%

Calcium 1%

Iron 4%

Vit D 0%

Vit B-6 15%

Vit B-12 0%

Magnesium 5 %

(of 2,000 Cal. Diet)

As you can see, 100 grams of potato will not keep us alive, so we will have to grow many potatoes at one time.

Another thing about where we landed is that there is an internet service provider near where we landed. If we can live off potatoes, and sell extra ones, we could save up to purchase a phone with service and contact America to rescue us!

whheeeee ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


Created with images by Dave McLear - "Potato Field" • jackmac34 - "vegetables potatoes food"

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