Remember also... a lenten devotional for March 2, 2017

We begin Lent by remembering we are mortal. We place ashes on our head and sit for a few moments contemplating the inevitability of our deaths. But that is not all we are. We are made out of stardust and we have stood on the moon. We have created nuclear weapons and nuclear medicine. We have immense intelligence but also immense hubris that masks our ignorance. We are powerful. Here is how immense our knowledge of the universe was 40 years ago.

With all this power, what will you do?

The Summer Day

by Mary Oliver

For Reflection

  1. When have you been at your most powerful? In what ways might God have been present in your power?
  2. What does it mean to be weak? In what ways might God have been present in your weakness?


Created with images by WikiImages - "moon landing apollo 11 nasa" • L2F1 - "Swan" • GoToVan - "Black bears in Whistler Olympic Park" • Vannick - "grasshopper insect costa rica"

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