
Rumah saya, istana saya! – Home sweet home! STAGE 5 ASSESSMENT TASK


A student

  • LIN5-3C evaluates and responds to information, opinions and ideas in texts, using a range of formats for specific contexts, purposes and audiences
  • LIN5-4C experiments with linguistic patterns and structures to compose texts in Indonesian, using a range of formats for a variety of context, purposes and audiences
  • LIN5-6U analyses the function of complex Indonesian grammatical structures to extend meaning
  • LIN5-7U analyses linguistic, structural and cultural features in a range of texts.

Assessment task

Your friend’s family is moving to Indonesia for a year and is looking for a place to live. They have filled out a short online profile about themselves, in Indonesian, to help rental property owners to determine if their property would suit the family. The family has now requested your help in finding a suitable rental property for them.

Part A: Read the short online profile (DOCX 1.3MB) the family has completed. Then research dotproperty.id (if this link does not open please copy and paste into your browser) to find one possible rental property which would suit the family’s needs. Submit this property to the family for consideration, with dot points in English. Include all relevant details.

Part B: Write an email, approximately 200 words in Indonesian, to one of the selected property owners introducing your friend’s family and expressing why their property is suitable for the family. In your email, outline your reasons considering location, facilities/inclusions, size and suitability.

In your email response, you should include:

• an evaluation of one of the properties including descriptions of the homes, location, facilities/inclusions and size in Indonesian

• reasons why this property is suitable for the family, based on the profile in Indonesian

• a range of accurate grammatical structures and sentence patterns.

Marking guidelines


KEEP TRACK OF YOUR INFORMATION – choose a way to keep track of your information. Invite your teacher to the platform you have chosen by sending them a link, so that they can give you feedback along the way. Suggestions include a shared Google Doc, an online Microsoft Word document or a OneNote notebook.

THINGS TO CONSIDER – use a range of language, such as a variety of vocabulary, adjectives, joining words, sentence starters, positive and negative sentences. Giving an opinion with a reason, for example Saya pikir rumah yang paling baik untuk keluarga ini adalah apartment di dekat perpustakaan karena hobi anaknya membaca buku. Does it sound like a real email? Is it your own work and using language you have learnt and NOT Google Translate? How will you communicate with your teacher when you need help?

Make sure you address all the marking criteria, including reference to the family profile in your response.

PLANNERS – consider using a thinking tool to help with your planning. You can add ideas, vocabulary and grammar, comparison points, pictures and where to go for help. If you have a planner, it will help ensure you cover all the components you need to and you include a variety of information. You can even use it like a checklist as you progress.

Don't forget to come up with a time plan with goals along the way so that you do not leave it till the last minute.


There are various tools you may consider to compose your email and submit it, with your 1 selected real estate property advertisement and dot point summaries, to your teacher.

  • You can take a screenshot of the advertisement or save it as a PDF, and then attach it to an email along with your dot point summary.
  • You can insert the screenshot of the advertisement into your Google Doc, your online Microsoft Word document or your OneNote notebook, together with your email and dot point summary, and share the document.
  • You can type up your dot point summary and your email, print them with your advertisement, and hand them in.

Don't be late! Plan your time carefully so you don't leave things to the last minute!


Created with images by NguyenDo - "paddy field bali island indonesia" • innokurnia - "villa property bedroom" • wiyko1 - "reflection house sk" • innokurnia - "villa property bedroom" • Rihab27 - "nature mountain lake" • sasint - "the village agriculture canyons" • inspireus - "planning organized word" • fancycrave1 - "computer notebook coffee" • BiljaST - "blackboard learn language" • Pexels - "arm hand desk" • picjumbo_com - "create craft peaceful" • anncapictures - "hourglass clock time"