AS90967 - Lauryn West Participate actively in a variety of physical activities and explain factors that influence participation

Welcome to my AS90967 PE 1.1 Blog. On this page I will explain factors that influenced my participation in a variety of physical activity over the year (2017)

Date: 22/02/17

Activity: Touch Turbo

What is it:The ball can be passed forwards and backwards and in any direction you like with teams only having two possessions/touches to create a Touchdown.

Equipment needed: A ball, different colored bibs to separate each team and a marked out area.

The factor that influenced my participation today was... my friends and teacher. An example of this factor was... my friends mostly encouraging me to take part in the sport. This was because...


Created with images by derek7272 - "cats" • I Robertson - "Touch World Cup 2011_5266"

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