Gregory Stevens This is my XC team^

Whats up? My name is Gregory. A little about me; I've played baseball my whole life and love the sport, I ran Cross Country in high school, I have a little brother who is in high school and Autistic, and i love to play video games. Im very big into playing sports, but I do not keep up with them at all, so I will not know any information about pro teams. I do know a lot about Clemson though, and I've always loved the school ever since I would come here as a little kid and look around with my parents. My whole family is actually big into Clemson and I had a cousin who went here and now works in the study abroad program here at Clemson. I love this place and have always had a strong connection to it. The day i got accepted was one of the best days of my life because it meant I had the opportunity to go to a potential college football national championship school, which is not the only reason why I went here, but one of the coolest (in my opinion).

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