5 Things on planned giving

We're revving up our planned giving program. Watch for messages about why and how to plan your legacy gift. First, however, in order to lay the most important groundwork, we want to make crystal clear what planned giving is.

To start, please forget the oversimplified generalization that Planned Giving is only about making a gift through your will. If that is the only nugget that you know, then you risk missing the good stuff - what Planned Giving really is:

What planned giving really is:

  1. Planned Giving is an opportunity: It is for you who care so deeply about this Silvermine that it matters what happens here even beyond your lifetime. Planned Giving enables you to provide for those who come next, whom you may never know.
  2. Planned Giving is the gift of your lifetime: For most of us, our planned gift is the largest and therefore the most impactful gift that we will make.
  3. Planned Giving converts your things into energy for the Silvermine community - for generations to come: Through a planned gift, when you no longer have need for your things – like your financial, personal and real assets – you can share them here into life changing arts for others.
  4. Planned giving is personal: Even after your lifetime, this is how you still hold the provide a place for a budding artist, foster a community around the arts, and bring art to those who may never otherwise know it. Imagine lifting up not just one person, but a dozen; imagine lifting up hundreds.
  5. Planned giving is leadership: As a leader, people watch what you do. Your planned gift teaches others to re-deploy their resources to lift up others - during their lifetimes and after.

We are grateful for those who came before us and for bringing Silvermine to what it is today. Now it is our turn to care for this place – and ensure that it thrives in brand new ways for those who come next.

Join the gift of Silvermine to future generations.

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