Protect Your Privacy! Always be on the safe side.


Every day, many people go on the internet, and every day, peoples information gets invaded by hackers. Hackers can find out personal information, private conversations, important files, embarrassing images, credit card numbers, phone numbers, exactly where you are right now, and a ton of other things you don't want other people knowing! Even if its someone you know, they could share it with people you don't know or people you don't want having your information! According to, "Due to the fact that the problem is new enough that little precedent can be invoked, policy makers and technology-developers, as well as individual users, are finding it hard to keep up with the very creative ways of online danger." This means that hackers are always finding ways to invade privacy, but there are still ways to prevent this.

Always stay safe online.


An even worse problem than hackers are the growing problem of online predators. These are people on the internet who try to kidnap you, stalk you, find you, kill you, or share or do very inappropriate material over the web. One example of this happened very recently. There was a chat room on the internet, and 2 people in it, were a boy and a girl. The boy had a photo of a young boy, and the girls photo showed a girl about the same age. The boy was trying to get the girl to talk to him, and at first she refused but then eventually obliged. They continued to talk until they thought they were friends. The boy then asked the girl where she lived so they could hang out, and she told him where she lived. When the girl answered her door, an older man appeared at the door and killed her and her family. This is an example of an online predator. The older man used a photo of a younger boy so the girl would talk to him, and so he could find her.


Created with images by joffi - "hacking hacker computer" • pixelcreatures - "security protection anti virus"

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