"On my honor, I will do my best to be......"

Courageous and Strong

Troop 838 was formed ten years ago in Interlachen, FL.

We have served the community, our small town in north Florida.
Our scouts have grown up together
and been on many fun excursions.
We have been on several great adventures, including backpacking on Pine Mountain.
We love the beach and all the adventures there.
We love learning new skills

We've climbed mountains, purified water, slept under the stars, and learned about several countries over the years.

We have made the best friends
We have earned several awards and badges.
We have passed on skills on to younger scouts.
Some of us have even become Lifeguards. We often serve at larger Girl Scouts events.
This year, we want to spend a week at the Marianna Cavers: hiking, swimming and exploring! They are the only dry caverns in Florida!
We hope that you will consider support our fundraising efforts!
Cookie sales are our largest fundraiser. Let us know if you need any cookies!

Thank you for your support!

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