Computer Applications Sydney cortes

Why was I interested in this class?

I was interested in taking this class because I needed a technology credit, but at the same time I thought it would be a very useful class to to take.

What is the most important thing I've learned?

The most important thing I've learned is Microsoft Office Suite. I think this is the most important because in the future for college and jobs, Microsoft Office knowledge is very useful and sometimes required.

My top projects

My favorite projects this year have been the recipe presentation, our dream job presentations, and making our portfolios. I liked the recipe project because it taught me how to use very aspect of PowerPoint to make an appealing presentation. I like the job presentations because we got to learn a lot about others in the class and what they're interested in and what they want to do in life, and it was fun to think about what I want to do. Lastly I like the portfolios we made because I can see how they'll be useful in the future for a job or for school and I think it's important to learn how to create a good looking portfolio.

In conclusion, I would definitely retake this class and recommend this class to others because I think the class was laid back and fun to do. I also learned a lot that I think will be useful for me in my future, for college and for being able to get jobs.


Created with images by FredCintra - "Control is an Option to Command" • Adikos - "Female Typing" • Microsoft Sweden - "Microsoft Office 365 Logo" • ConorLuddy - "Resume 2011" • Bruno Covas - "Audiência na CDHU - IMG_6680"

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