Ralph Waldo Emerson Samantha Robertson Block 5

About His Childhood

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 25 in the year 1803. He was born into an all boy family, which consisted of 6 children. His mother ran a boarding-house to help support the family. At the age of eight young Emerson and his 5 brothers had to face hard times of going through the death of a loved one, their father.


His mother sent him to the Boston Latin School. At age fourteen in 1817 Emerson entered into Harvard College. He studied a lot and was very focused on his education more than relaxation. He won several minor prizes for his great talent of writing. He graduated from Harvard in 1821. He then studied at Harvard Divinity School as he continued a journal and other writings.

A step forward

He became a Unitarian minister in 1826. He then was chosen to become a Junior Pastor at Bostons Noted Second Church. People then began to know who he was quickly by this. He was then chosen to be a Chaplain (Clergyman who carries religious services for institutions) for the Massachusetts Senate. Afterwards he was elected to the Boston School Committee.

Emerson Love Life

He fell in love only once with a girl from New Hampshire named Ellen Tucker. They got married in 1829. A year and a half later Ellen passed away. He tried to find relief through his religion but it was not successful. In 1832 he resigned his pastorate due to his religious doubts.

Leading to Poetry

In the late 1820's Emerson started a system of lecturing. He became widely known for his lectures. His lectures developed into essays and books and began publishing them in the 1840's. Emerson spoke out against materialism, slavery, and formal religion.

His Poetry

Ralph's poetry is very diverse from other poets. He writes in a unique way and his poems are very heartfelt. His poems spoke out against slavery, materialism, and formal religion. He wrote 119 poems.

Emerson's Biography

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born May 25, 1803. Emerson's father, William Emerson, passed away while Ralph was only eight, leaving the mother, Ruth Haskins, to support and raise a family that consisted of six children. He went to Harvard University at the age of fourteen because of his high intelligence. He got various minor prizes due to his talent of writing. He graduated in 1821 and soon after became a minister. He also gained popularity by accepting the offer of becoming a pastor at the Boston Noted Second Church. He also then got offered to become a Chaplain for the Massachusetts senate. He became known very quickly. Emerson got married to his first spouse in 1829. A year and a half later his wife, Ellen Tucker, passed away. The two never had children but when he remarried to Lydia Jackson in 1835, they named one of their daughters Ellen Tucker Emerson after his first love. He also had two grandchildren named Edward Forbes, and Raymond Emerson. Soon after Emerson started to have disbelief's and doubts about God and his religious beliefs. Due to this he resigned his position in being a pastor. He started to do lectures, He became widely known for these. He began to write books and essays from his lectures. His most famous books are "Self-reliance" written in 1841, and "Nature" written in 1836. His lectures mainly spoke out against slavery, materialism, and formal religion, due to his doubts in religious things. He wrote various diverse poems after lecturing. Emerson was known to write 119 poems throughout his life. He was widely known through these, his lectures, and his early years of being a pasture, minister, and a Chaplain for the Massachusetts senate. After living his life Ralph Waldo Emerson passed away on April 27th, in 1882 in Concord Massachusetts. Leaving behind his very unique individuality.



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