The Tour of the Harn By: John Dunleavy

Medium of the Art / Technique of the Artist

(Taken by John Dunleavy at The Harn, Feb 23, 2017)

This oil painting on canvas was created by Albert E. Gallatin. Its hard to see due to my blurry picture and not being in person, but the oil painting on a canvas creates a beautiful texture. This texture allows the painting to be raised at certain points and really adds volume to the work. Along with the great texture there are also vibrant texture that Gallatin was known for. In person the colors seem more vivid and 'deep'. For me this piece of art showed the beauty in simplicity, while also seeming happy and uplifting.

Design of the Museum

(Picture taken by John Dunleavy Feb 23, 2017- of the museum)

The modern art section of the museum was by far my favorite area. Not only was the lighting perfect for the pieces presented, but the design helped to draw your attention to art. Throughout the space there were little islands with 3D art displayed. This made me become attracted to some pieces that I may not have payed any attention to if it were not displayed in such a way. Not only did the layout attract your attention but it did it without feeling super structured, because the art was placed in seemingly random locations throughout the room.

(Picture taken by John Dunleavy Feb 23, 2017- of the museum modern art section)

Art and Core Values

(Picture taken by John Dunleavy Feb 23, 2017- of Tauromaquia)

Although not the original meaning of these pieces, i looked at them and saw the resilience and will put forth by the bull. Through out these pictures there are images of bulls, clearly out matched, but still pushing on. I value and cherish a persons ability to not give up no-matter the circumstances, and these pieces of art embody that value. This also shows that we can admire traits in things other than humans, and use the examples to help us on our path to developing those traits.

(Picture taken by John Dunleavy Feb 23, 2017- of Tauromaquia)

Art and the Good Life

(Picture taken by John Dunleavy Feb 23, 2017- of untitled)

This painting truly embodies seeking the Goodlife to me. From first glance you probably don't get where Im coming from, but after reading the artists (Roberto Matta) story your perception changes. Matta moved to paris to follow his dreams of becoming an artist. He did this by working with amazing artists from that area. Matta sought his Goodlife as we all should. I can see his struggle and sense of happiness in this painting. To me it looks confused but joyful, and I imagine this is how Matta would've felt after taking the leap of faith and moving to paris.

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