National Gaming Day February 29th, 2017

National Gaming Day needs to become an official holiday. Gaming is a worldwide hobby and has grown as technology has grown. Gaming has become pretty popular lately and has even become its own sports genre called Esports!

I think National Gaming Day needs to become an official holiday because everyone needs at least one full day to just take a break and play games. In fact, gaming helps the mind relax and releases stress. I also think that all stores with games should put the games on a special sale on this holiday.

On this holiday you do not celebrate someone, you would be celebrating the entire gaming genre and community. I think that even game companies should release games, DLC, (which stands for downloadable content) and other stuff that contributes to gaming.

I think this holiday should be celebrated on June 2nd, since most kids and teenagers will be getting out of school around this time. The weather will also be better so more people could be able to go out and get games. This would be great especially for kids to get new games for the summer.

10 Fun Facts

  • 1. Video games are therapeutic for children with chronic illnesses.
  • 2. Video games improve preschoolers' motor skills
  • 3. Video games reduce stress and depression.
  • 4. Video games provide pain relief. (Physical and emotional)
  • 5. Video games can actually improve your vision.
  • 6. Video games improve decision-making skills.
  • 7. Video games can help you make social connections.
  • 8. More than 1.2 billion people are playing games worldwide. That is about 44% of the world's online population.
  • 9. Video games can improve memory.
  • 10. Video games can help break bad habits like smoking.
Created By
Gavin Johnson

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