Joseph Banks By lena boby

©Lena Banks, WARNING IF ANYONE IS CAUGHT MAKING MEMES OF LENA BANKS, i'll just take it to court...

I'll be like Donald Trump

Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820), naturalist and patron of science, was born on 13 February 1743 at Westminster, England, the only son of William Banks and Sarah, née Bate. The family home at Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire, had been bought in 1714 by his great-grandfather, Joseph Banks "The First" who, like his grandfather, Joseph "The Second", and father, William, entered parliament. Young Joseph was educated at home before going to Harrow in April 1752, and then in September 1756 to Eton.

Joseph Banks also took the idea of economics, how nature could change the industries.

Sir Joseph Banks Park is a popular park and nature reserve on the Botany foreshore, because of course he loved plants as a botanist! As well as honouring their namesake, Sir Joseph Banks, the park also acknowledges the role Botany Bay played as a resort, zoo and playground for the Sydney Colony. Prior to federation the park is 28 hectares in size and has been a key attraction for the city since it was opened in its same form in 1985

This photo was taken in the early 1940s
This is a bunch of pictures Banks painted

Sir Joseph Banks was so respected and popular he was named after cassava chips, mainly for the respected role as a famous English botanist.


Here are some wonderous styles of painting Sir Banks adourned.

Thanks for listening! Lena Boby
Created By
Lena Banks


By Lena Boby

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