STAR CITY live it up



-Mario Kart is a real sport.

-School lunch choices are chick fil a, costa vida, in n out, roxberry, and starbucks

-school starts at 10 and ends at 12:30

-You can have your license at the age of 15.

-you are required to take a 2 week vacation that's payed for twice a year.

-no lunch detention

-no lunch and learn

-everyone has the newest iphone

-no curfews

-no churches

-all hot boys live there

star city is located in the middle of the ocean by Sanfransisco, it's an island city. It's located in the middle of the ocean so that not everyone knows about it. So that only people i like and know live there.

A daily schedule in star city is different for everyone. except for most people shop everyday and play mario kart. They go to school, they eat, then they do whatever they want.

daily life in the city

we have a democracy government and our president is Bella Christensen we have this government so our city can vote and wont go crazy.

our president

Star City is the place to be. who wouldn't want to live in a place that has mario kart as a sport and has everything they have ever wanted! Star city is the life that everyone wants!

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