Travels with Arthur a van trip through the Peak District and some of the paintings that followed

Last October we took an old man of a van Called arthur to explore the PEAK DISTRICT

The drive up from Bristol was dowsed in proper autumn drizzle.
And our first walk near Castleton started grey and misty.
It was a while before the colours came out.
But as we reached the top of the ridge, the mist cleared and the valley was filled with dramatic light
From that point on, the light was fantastic

After some sustenance from a local public house, we drove on to Derwent Reservoir.

Frisbee on the beach

We found a great tucked-away spot to pitch up for the night

Slacklining by night

And it looked even better in the morning

On the walk that day, we got fairly lost and definitely underestimated a hill, but did meet some grouse and picked up some more inspiration for paintings

Created By
Jonny Falkus

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