How Singer's/Songwriter's develop connection's with their listener's through their lyric's Danny Garlock

Learning Outcome #3: Showing the way mass media uses language and image to inform, persuade, or entertain.

  • Crowded House - Alternative/Indie rock band founded in New Zealand by lead singer/lyricist Neil Finn.
  • Dont Dream It's Over was written by Neil Finn and released by Crowded House in 1986. That same year, the song was charted #2 in the United State's and #27 in the United Kingdom.
  • Neil Finn remember's writing the song on his brother's piano. To this day he doesn't exactly remember the context behind the lyric's, but he claim's the song is about feeling lost while also wanting to push forward.
  • Man In the Mirror was written by Siedah Garrett and Glen Ballard and released by Michael Jackson in 1987.
  • The song charted #1 in the United States and #2 in the United Kingdom.
  • The song is about making a change and that change has to start with you and your values.
  • Dont Blink was written by Chris Wallin and Casey Beathard and released by Kenny Chesney in 2007. The song was charted #29 that same year in the United States.
  • The idea for the song came to Chris Wallin after a two year period of losing three close family member's.
  • My Way was written by the composers Jacques Revaux/Gilles Thibault as Comme D'Habitude (French-English translation: As Usual) and originally recorded by French pop star Claude Francois in 1967. "Tells the story of a man, living out the end of his marriage, love killed by the boredom of everyday life."
  • Paul Anka, a Canadian-American singer/songwriter, discovered the song and rewrote the lyric's and changed the name to My Way while returning to New York. He pitched the song to Frank Sinatra and Sinatra agreed to record it in 1968 (released in 1969).
  • The song charted #27 in the United States and #5 in the United Kingdom.
  • Steven Tyler had wrote Dream On on and off again for six years.
  • Regarding the song's message, Tyler explained that it's about the hunger to be something/someone special.
  • Dream On was released in 1973 and charted #6 in the United States.


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