The lazy foodie Cooking made easy

Cooking shouldn't be hard!

While most of us usually don't have the time- or energy- to be slaving away precious sleeping hours in front of the stove waiting for our meals to be done. However, if you're like me and truly enjoy good food, you sometimes understand how the effort is worth it.

I know what you're thinking: But don't I have to make something that will impress my friends? Something...ambitious? Sure, you can. But why not make something that's guaranteed to be delicious? Something that'll make guests lose their minds?

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” ― Bill Gates

The perfect Smash Burger right from home

The kind of patties you get at In-N-Out or Shake Shack—smashed onto a flat-top griddle, simmered in their fat till crisp on the outside, sheathed in a blanket of gooey American cheese. Squishy potato roll, pickles, shredded iceberg, special sauce.

Get the full recipe here! From our friends at Bon Appetit Mag

Weekend Brunch for two!

Start off the weekend just right with this incredibly easy and equally delicious three-course brunch!

Find more recipes here! From the Tasty team

If you're like me and enjoy the company of a rare-cooked stake, this is the recipe for you! With the help of this new tool you can cook the perfect steak- and there's no other way to do it.

The only hard part will be finding the perfect wine to pair it up with.

For the full recipe, click here. Check out our partners at ChefSteps and become a better cook!

While you're at it, find more about Joule


Created with images by karriezhu - "table dessert coffee" • markus spiske - "steak"

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