Week 6 Overview EDUC 640: School Administration

Watch the 4-minute Week 6 overview video below. Then scroll down to read important information for success in assignments for Week 6.

Read & Study

  • Read chapter 9 of the textbook.
  • Watch video on the topic of partnering with the community.


Discussion Board Forum 3: Replies

ETIPS Case Study 2

The code for this ETIPS case study was provided on the Blackboard Announcement page. To maximize success on Case 2, I recommend you do the following:

  1. Review directions in the Blackboard Assignments folder and watch the instructional videos hyperlinked in the Word document there.
  2. Review the completed rubric and feedback comments in ETIPS from Case 1.
  3. For Case 1, go into ETIPS and click "See Snapshot of All Learners' Answers" to see how some of your classmates answered the items.
  4. Click on the button below to watch a 3-minute video for tips that will help you be more successful in Case 2.


30-hour Practicum

Continue to make progress on your 30-hour practicum experience.

FES: The Field Experience Summary (FES) is a form you will cumulatively fill out as you progress through your program and add new field experiences. It is due in Blackboard in Week 8. Click the button below to download the FES Form.

Below are tips as you complete the FES form:

Dates Column: Enter the span of dates in the DATES column so that it is clear when you completed the practicum.

Hours Column: Enter total number of hours accumulated in the HOURS column. The minimum must be at least 30 hours.

Course, School Name/Location, & Description of Activities: In this column, enter the course number of this course (EDUC 640). Enter the name and location of the school where you completed the practicum. Also, after the word "Activities," enter a brief summary of the activities completed during the 30 hours.

Settings Columns: For every column that applies, enter information about the setting. When you are finished with the EDUC 699 internship, all of the columns must have some representation. For now, you do not need all of them. However, you should indicate all of the following:

Indicate whether your field experience was in elementary, middle, high school, district/central office, or agency.

You should also indicate whether the experience was public or private by placing an X in the appropriate column.

Lastly, every row needs a description of the type of diversity in the setting. "Diversity" refers to exceptionality, socio-economic status, ethnicity, language, academic achievement levels, etc.

DISPOSITIONS: Professionalism

This is the final devotional thought for the SOE Dispositions. This week, the focus is on PROFESSIONALISM. Jesus told his disciples, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:42-45). The servant model is interestingly identified by three Galatians 5:22-23 character qualities that result from the Fruit of the Spirit: gentleness, meekness, and temperance.

One of the competencies of EDUC 640 is the demonstration of an intentional and purposeful effort to model PROFESSIONALISM, moral, and ethical standards as well as personal integrity. You have a great opportunity to demonstrate professionalism in your practicum and also receive feedback on your demonstration of professionalism from your practicum mentor. A professional disposition can be a powerful tool in the testimony of today’s Christian Educator.

May God bless you in these last few weeks of the course! - Dr. Sam Smith
Created By
Samuel J Smith

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