Jordan Moore's goal prroject English 2 Period 6

Semester Goal

  • By the end of the semester, I plan to pass math with a 75% or higher every other class i plan to work as hard as I can everyday and pass every other class with an 85% or higher. I plan to see my tutor-er 2 prior to a test or quiz so i can be prepared for what i ever i am unsure about.

My English Goal

  • In the next two Quarters of my English class i would like to pass with an 90% or higher , I plan to study 3 days prior to days we have tests or quizzes. to ensure my grade stays at 90% or above I will check the grade book daily, If there is anything holding back the 90% I will make sure i go in early to get anything missing or possibly retake anything I can .

Highschool Goal

  • I plan to Graduate High school with an Advanced Diploma which means staying on a constant grind keeping my grade as high as they can be every school year.

After Highschool Goal

After high school I would like to choose from either Grand Canyon University and I would like to just be able to travel the world and have lots of fun doing it. I will accomplish this saving at least 20$ every month and keeping my grades at B's or higher.

Personal growth

For my personal growth i would like to overall have a stronger work ethic towards everything I do . that is one of my weaknesses so in the future i will help this staying up with chores every week . Wanting to work will boost how i get better as a person.


Created with images by ambermb - "school backpack childhood" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • jaycross - "IMG_3533.JPG" • Pexels - "bible blur book" • free pictures of money - "Money" • kaboompics - "man reading touchscreen"

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