Bullying and Descrimintaion By Maari Axelson

Bullying Statistics in Public Schools

  • One in every 4 students has reported bullying in public schools every year.
  • 22% of students in America have reported being bullied.
  • School prevention programs have decreased bullying in the US by 25%.

Discrimination in 2016

  • Remember, Discrimination can also involve bullying, and bullying may also involve discrimination, but they are not the same thing. Below are some conflicts that have been going on during 2016 involving discrimination.
  • Anti Muslim protests.
  • German hate in everyday life.
  • Divisions in society based on political opinions.
  • Racism caused by white supremacy.
  • Presidential elections causing hate towards different political parties.

Solutions to Bullying

  • Separate yourself from the situation wether you are the target or the bistander and tell a trusted adult.
  • Being an upstander can dramatically effect the situation wether it resolves the conflict or makes it worse. It sometimes it may be better to stay out of the situation depending on how violent or threatening the bully may be getting, or how the victim must be feeling.
  • If you are an adult and your child may be getting bullied, listen to what they have to say and work with the school on stopping the bullying from occurring again.
  • You can also learn to identify a bully and how to deal with it. Remember, a bully is someone who teases or causes emotion or physical stress to a victim repeatedly.
  • Anti bullying campaigns in schools or workplaces can also reduce the amount of bulling in an environment.
  • Create an identity safe climate so people feel safe about expressing themselves without the threat of being bullied or discriminated.

How to tell if someone is being Bullied or Discriminated

  • Unexplainable injuries
  • Lost or destroyed possesions
  • Feeling sick or faking illnesses
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Diffficulty sleeping or changes in sleeping pattern

Stopping discrimination

  • First to stop discrimination around you, or to prevent yourself from getting involved in discrimination, you must first identify what you believe in and what you don't believe in.
  • Challenging and expanding your practices and beliefs.
  • Ask questions about what you believe in and what other people may believe in.
  • Keep an open mind about different appearances and beliefs.
  • Seek to understand people more efficiently and see things from other peoples points of views.
  • Take action against discrimination. After all, nothing will change if you wait for another person to start to change something, be a leader and initiate change your own way, who knows you might make a significant difference in the amount of discrimination towards people.

Works Cited:

  1. pacer.org/bullying
  2. nytimes.com/discrimination
  3. noit.org/solutions/bullying
  4. communitytampabay.org/bullying
Created By
Maari Axelson



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