Learning Guide 1 Carson Brinn

I think photography is an art form, but not like painting of drawing. Photography doesn't require lots of time to be dedicated to one image or work, but instead is a case of trial and error; if a picture doesn't come out how you imagined it would, you can easily try again, until you get the perfect shot.

Yes, photography is an art. As I mentioned previously, photography isn't like painting, but it is a form of expression which requires a level of technical skill and artistic passion, which I believe makes it an art.

What I learned from Originality is Dead: or is it?

I learned that each photograph is an original piece of art. Like any other art form, one must find a balance between what's accepted as being "good", and differentiating his own work form the work of others, making it stand out. Photography, like art, is a subjective medium through which the "artist" should communicate an intended message.

What I learned from The Photographic Eye

I learned that just like any other art, photography requires not just artistic ambition, but a level of technical skill. A camera is simply a machine which turns a 3d environment into a 2D image, and it takes time to master it's use.

Pinhole Photographer Scott Speck https://www.flickr.com/photos/zebandrews/galleries/72157622696294433/

It wasn't taken with pinhole, but it's my best imitation of his work


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