India's Call Center Sierra Henderson

One of the things India is most popular for is their technology help for the United States. Their population is 1,335,494,719 which millions of them work for call centers that help the U.S.A. While ranking #2 for the highest population. Only 33% of India has a urban population, which causes public service cost, energy inefficiency, inbalance in income, effects in the ecosystems, and etc. They have a rapid population growth of 1.19% in 2016.

(Picture represents population)

The schools in India are ok. One of the schools in India allows their students to pray and also take karate classes when they arrive at school. They allow activities we have here at our elementary schools in India. They take multiple break throughout the day for, "better learning."

(School in India)

In India there is no specific/required education to become a call service adviser. After you have trading and skills you will be able to earn $2-$5 a hour. Iccs is a call center in India that receives call from the USA. Indias comparative advantage consist of their rise in manufacturing, large research projects, infrastructure growth, and etc.

(Represents call center)


Created with images by Nick Kenrick.. - "India" • 3dman_eu - "group of people railway station stop" • J P Davidson - "Shanti, Kajal, Sidhika in their Hindi class" • dam - "CIID Call Center"

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