Arcade Games Play it, enjoy it

Different Arcade Games

What games exist in the genre?

There are lots of different Arcade Games. Some include Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Tetris, Q*bert, Super Mario Bros & Mortal Kombat.

Pac-Man Console

What are the key features of games in this genre?

Some of the key features in Pac-Man is a little yellow character moving around eating little "pac-dots". There are also 4 ghosts chasing Pac-Man and if the ghosts catch him, he loses a life.

In most Arcade Games, the player is able to move a character using the controller and buttons. The same is on a computer using the up/down keys & space bar. Although the graphics aren't great, this was the start of a video game revolution.

Mario & Luigi

How has Mario & Luigi changed the world of gaming today?

Mario & Luigi are two characters that started out in arcade games including 'Super Mario Bros. & Mario Kart Arcade'. Later when the Nintendo came out, they were involved in 18 games! I think the thing that makes Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and more, is because they are loveable characters that make any game fun!

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