OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder

The cause is neurological. Most patients diagnosed with it were born with it. However, sufferers of the condition can sometimes be diagnosed with the affliction following a severe trauma, though, such as a seizure or aneurysm. It is possible for the problem to worsen as time goes on.
With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it all depends on the patient as to whether the problem will lessen or worsen over time. Each person's case is different. Sometimes it does not do either, and it just stays the same for the person's whole life.

People with OCD tend to have anxiety or distress over certain things. Those are things they need to learn to handle and keep under control. It then becomes a habit and takes over their daily lives. Struggling with OCD and anxiety can effect a persons life tremendously.

There is medication an OCD patient can take to help cope with the disorder called antidepressants. That includes luvox, prozac, zoloft, paxil, celexa, and lexapro to increase the amount of serotonin available to the nerve cells in the brain. There is also Cognitive-behavioral Therapy. “Cognitive” refers to strategies that help people change dysfunctional thinking patterns and beliefs. Using medication and doing the therapy together is the usually the most effective way because each one is only partial treatment.
Overall, dealing with OCD is not an easy task. There are many terrible things that come with the disorder to make it even harder to cope with.
Luke Realizes that he has been dealing with ocd for much of his life. he starts seeing the same effects in his sister. he is having a hard time at school. his biggest task will be telling his friends and family.


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