Banana Peel Its the COMPANY name, By donye menowsky


India is 2nd in population with 1.2 billion people. India is still in second in urban population with 364.5 million people, people live in the city because it's closer to the call centers, and stores ( also it's better for a zombie apocalypse, unless you have an underground secret area ). India is first in children population with 374.1 million children, it means there might be less resources because more people. The education is bad, all but 11% of people graduated high school, and another 11% went to college. You have to have a really good education to work at a call center. People in India don't have that good of schools but you train at the call center, and they are smart enough to know how to fix technology that hasn't been invented. So that means people at call centers have a good education. My name of my company is Banana Peel. At the call center people in India help Americans, people in the U.K, and Australians. Training is hard at the call centers because we have to learn English, how to not have an accent, we have to deal with sarcasm, staying up late, and adjusting time zones. They get paid $2 per hour, and if they last long they might get $5,000 a year.

This is a call center in India.

How India has a comparative advantage

They know how to deal with technology that hasn't even been invented yet. They know how to deal with phone problems, even though other people made the phones. They know how to speak different languages to talk to people around the world. Lastly they work more and get paid less, and are really good at it.

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