SalemRecycles Book Swap By Creative salem

The Free Book Swap is one of the best community events in Salem. Presented by SalemRecycles, the community comes out in droves and swaps thousands of books. A true Salem community event.

Looks so peaceful from the outside :-)

Omg! Do people still watch VHS tapes! That's quite an eclectic selection!

You really never know what you are going to find at the Salem Recycles Book Swap

Gold mine lol! Been after this book for years. Can't wait to have a yogurt cheese party. (Totally joking)

Oh Rodney.. you still can't get no respect.

Today's theme for young lovers... I wonder what today's version of this would sound like.

Flurry of activity at the sorting table!

The kids section is always extremely popular! And more VHS tapes!

One heck of a team of volunteers. They processed thousands of book this year!

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