The White Tiger by: william rahrouh

parameters: miss i didnt know what to do

goal: my goal was to do a very job on my drawing and cut deep so it can be clear

design challenge: same here

my plan: i wanted to amazing on my project especially with the tool on the drawing, i started off by drawing by drawing the rocks then my tigers hands, the head with the big ears, the stripes and finally the snow in the background.

reflection: the project was least than i expected i don't know why, i feel there is something missing.

feedback: the feedback that i got from my friends was that it was nice and well printed at the end.

some troubles were that i actually repeated my project 3 times, the pain problem was the ink that kept going into the cuts and my cuts weren't that deep. i kept trying until i got it right and i did!!



Created with images by bigbirdz - "Snow" • WenPhotos - "zoo tiger animal"

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