Guatemala The Rough Tour of Guatemala

We started our tour in Guatemala City the capital and the largest city in Guatemala.

The food in Guatemala City was amazing

Then we headed to Tikal an ancient city in ruins.

After our trip to the ruins we head south to Quetzaltenango the second largest city.

After our trip to Quetzaltenango we went East to Lake Atitlan

For our last spot on this tour of Guatemala we went to Antigua a small town surrounded by valcanoes

Good view on of the valcanoes

After that instead of getting right back onto the plane we decided to have a little fun and visit the Aurora Zoo in Guatemala City.

With Such a large amount of animals to see I got to take so many pictures of really cool animals at this big zoo.

After that we went back to the airport to catch a plane ride home. For the last bit of this website I'll be adding in some of the pictures that we took while in Guatemala.

Our view from the docks one night.

Same view the next morning.

The main tower at the Tikal Ruins.

More ruins from Tikal.

Hand-made masks made by locals.

We stopped at one of these streams on our way around Guatemala.

One of the locals selling fresh food at the market.

A man showing us his farm.


Created with images by marcoreyesgt - "leaves nature sun" • josephhill - "antigua guatemala america" • disoniador - "park central city" • benbenjoe - "guatemala privacy lake" • benbenjoe - "guatemala beautiful lakes" • Anthony-X - "pyramid maya tikal" • DEZALB - "guatemala tikal maya" • Jefelado - "masks guatemala artisan"

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