THE 3D PRINTED BOAT CHALLENGE the launch of the heatwave ii by penny Guzman

Catamaran Boat

My boat was designed as a catamaran for buoyancy and stability. The hulls on my boat does most of the work by holding the whole boat, but with some help with buoyancy. The buoyancy force is an upward force on a object, which is my boat, place in water. I chose a catamaran because I thought it would be easiest to float, and make it stable because of the two hulls on both side of the main boat. Stability has the ability to stay balanced and not tip over with the help of the two hulls on both side.

My weakness is that my boat could not hold the coins independently and that it needed tape without slipping off. Compared to others this was a big weakness. My strengths compared to others was mine did not tip over on it’s side. My boat was stable while it floated on the surface of the water, with or without a coin.

The hulls
The hulls
Boat Table


Created with images by alicia bruce - "catamaran"

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