Trout Lake Abbey December 2016

When we arrived there was a slight dusting of snow with a forecast for much more..

Walking down a snowy road was a joy and brought back memories when I was a child growing up in North Dakota

The trees along the road were decorated with beautiful ornaments.

As promised, the next day brought more snow.

At the entrance to Trout Lake Abbey you are greeted by Kanzeon who is the compassionate Buddha.

It snowed on Kanzeon but she didn't mind, only smiled, enigmatically.

The old red barn houses the temple for the Mt. Adams zen center. Below the mid level is a shelter for a small herd of alpacas. Once a new temple is built, the mid-level will house monks and nuns.

The center building is the commercial kitchen, a retail store for organic veggies and fruits, and below is a three space garage.

The building on the right is the B&B with five rooms, a hostel, kitchen and spacious living room and Abbey office.

On my walk I spotted this single Oak leaf looking a tad lonely.

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