Lucille Ball By Gayoung

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Do you want to learn about Lucille Ball? She's funny because she made her director laugh. She is famous because she is in lots of movies especially I love Lucille Ball. She took a picture with Superman. She is really creative because she dresses like someone else! Now do you know 4 characters traits about her? Look more in some books!

I like Lucille Ball do you like her too? She was born in August 6, 1911 in Jamestown,New York, and lived with her brother and mother, she was the Courstey of the library of congress and her movies got bigger, she is famous because she's creative, inventive and she has created a movie called "I love Lucy" now do you know anything about Lucille Ball?


Created with images by manitou2121 - "Lucille Ball" • cliff1066™ - "Lucille Ball" • Jennie Park Photography - "Tastes just like candy!"

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