Athens // sparta Jordy Kornmann

Spartans were Dorians who conquered Laconia. This was located in Peloponnesus (the southern part of Greece). The Spartans turned the people of the land into slaves (also called helots). The slaves out numbered the rulers so a strict system was put into place.

Spartan Government - The Spartan government consisted of two kings and a council of elders (advised monarchs). Five ephors were also elected and their job was to run day-to-day activities.

Spartan Children: At an early age of 7, training started for Spartan children to prepare them for entering the military. They were put into the barracks and endured a brutal life. They had strict diets, exercised profusely, and had ridged discipline. Children were encouraged to steal food but if they had been caught they had been beaten badly.

Spartan Men

By the age of 20, Spartan men could marry. The men were to live in the barracks for another 10 years are were to eat there for another 40. The men were trained up until the age of 30 and once they had completed it, they had joined the assembly.

Spartan Women: Women also had difficult upbringings. They were expected to produce healthy babies and because of this they had to exercise and strengthen their bodies. Another expectation of women was obeying their husbands and fathers. Some of these women had rights to property which they had to manage.

Spartan Economic Style: They had isolated themselves from other city-states. Spartans looked down on trade and wealth. Travelling outside of their city-state was not approved.

Athens was located in Attica, which was north of Pelponnesus.

Athenian Government: Athenian government had evolved from a monarchy (royal family of a country) to an aristocracy (power is held by the nobility). Many residents of Athens didn't agree with or didn't like the idea of the power of the nobles. During harder times, farmers were made to sell their land to nobles. Some of these people sold themselves or their families to slavery. As people started to grow even less fond of this government, Athens started to migrate slowly toward a democratic government.

Athenian Economic Style: The Athenians style of economics was more so dependent on trade unlike the economic style of the Spartans, whom of which was more dependent on agriculture.

Athenian Women

Women of Athens had no share in public life. Aristotle saw women as imperfections and thought women cant preform anything as well as men can. As shown in the picture, women of Athens did more chores such as weaving and washing, being very different from the Spartan women.

Athenian Children

If the family could afford it, Athenian boys would attend school. Some of their school work consisted of learning how to read and write, as well as music and poetry. Because their form of government is democracy, they would have to be taught how to voice their opinion meaning they were skilled in public speaking. The girls of Athens on the other hand, were not given any form of formal training.

Men of Athens

In Athens, being apart of the military was optional, unlike Sparta. Men could be the only ones to participate in their government.

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