Passion Project By taylor crane

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer, not only because some of my family was in the law firm, but because I had an interest in law in general. My mom used to watch shows like "Law and Order" and "Matlock". These were the types of shows that influenced me to want to become one. Sitting in a courtroom defending someone to avoid their prosecution just gave me a feeling that that's what I want to do with my life, the rush. Even now, I love to debate and help people out. I also am still very interested in law and the way it works.

Community College of Philadelphia

Mock Jury Trial

Participants in the mock jury trial were to sit in the audience and listen to a crime that has been committed. From my experience, the trial involved a police shooting. There was a young African America male standing in the middle of the highway claiming that he "owned it." When the police officers came, he seemed to move toward them. One of the policeman was unaware that the young male had psychological disorders before pulling the trigger. The police officer claimed he saw a sharp object, but others beg to differ. Now, the young male is hospitalized and his family is trying to get justice. As the jury, I was required to ask questions and listen to everyone who came on stand to figure out who is in the wrong and if it was an accident or not. It was a very interesting experience and really enhanced my knowledge of law. The participants also had the opportunity to chat with attorneys, lawyers etc. that were there after the trial.

Cabrini College Courses - Criminology


How long have you been a lawyer?

What department of law do you specialize in?

How many hours a week would you say you work?

What do/did you think about being a lawyer?

Do you think it affects your personal life negatively or positively? Why? How?

Susan Thomas

Peter Crane

Christopher Crane

Molly Bishop Shadel

How long have you been a lawyer?

Was not stated in the article, but she started in her early 20s.

What department of law did you specialize in?

How many hours a week would you say you worked?

What did you think about being a lawyer?

Do you think it affects your personal life negatively or positively? Why? And how?

During the second job...

Lawyer Demographics Table

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