Carlos Santana By: Austin Brown

"Most people are prisoners, thinking only about the future or living in the past. They are not in the present, and the present is where everything begins".

About Carlos Santana

Born July 20, 1947 in Mexico

He learned to play the violin at age five and the guitar at age eight. Santana was influenced by popular artists of the 1950's such as B.B. King, T-Bone Walker, and John Lee Hooker. He first became famous in the late 1960's and early 1970's with his band. He was the bands leader, and lead guitarist. His family wanted him to pursue his dream, so they moved all over the U.S . His dream was to make music that inspires people all around the world. The band released hit songs throughout 1980's and 1990's. The band got inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 1998.

8 Themes

Carlos Santana being a musician would fall under the theme cultural interaction. Not only did his music spread all around the word, it inspired people. And that was his main goal. He wanted to be an inspiration. His music was a mix of American and Mexican because he was from Mexico, witch is another reason why he ties in with the theme cultural interaction. He also ties in with the theme economics. This is because people pay money to go see him in concert, or they pay money to buy his CD's.

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