How to convert measurement By buglawton

If you are talking about mm,cm,m,km this is how to do it

So mm is the smallest out of all of them, cm is the second,meters (m)is the bigger then mm,cm and km is the biggest 10ml=1cl 100cl=1l 1000l=1kl

If you are doing the these four mesurement ml cl l kl these is the order 10ml=1cl, 100cl=1l 1000=1kl

10mg=1g 100cg=1g 1000g= kg

Sometime you can use MM. And cm

So in cm the pencil 0.5 wide

And here is a nother example

You measure books in cm this book is 19.5cm long

Ok here is the weight tips

See that ways 350g

Here's a nother example 

Thank for looking😄

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