Aaron's Interesting Adversity MATT MACHERZYNSKI

Adversity means-something difficult that happens to a person.

Aaron Aspereli is my good friend from school and i hang out with him a lot.I know him from school to.I picked Aaron to interview because he had a very interesting adversity.

Aaron WAS BORN ON December 5,2002, He was born in Milford Conneticut. He also grew up there.

He lives with his mom-Debbie his two sisters,Debra and Yoanna his two brothers,Roby and Jerome.

His parents were funny,responsible and fun for Aaron when he was little.

Another fact about Aaron is that his dad left him when he wasn't even born yet.He left because his dad cheated on his mom and his mom told him to leave.

Aaron is known for participating a lot in school,cares for others and volunteers a lot in class.Also he traveled a lot to Texas.

Aaron basically had no dad for his whole entire life time.His mom replaced his dad and his mom started taking care of him a lot.His mom took care of him for about 7 years and Aaron got a lot better.Also this is hard to overcome and Aaron did.

I felt really bad for Aaron because he had no dad and his mom took over.She became the person that took care of him for a pretty long time by her self.Also Aaron was really strong and so was his mom.He had no one else to take care of him except for his siblings.

Created By
Maciej Macherzynski

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