William Shakespeare By Nikia Mayers 6th period

The theatre shakespeares plays were in

William Shakespeare who died at the age of fifty-two has had such an impact on the entire world.

"While little is known of Shakespeare's boyhood, he probably attended the grammar school in Stratford, where he would have been educated in the classics, particularly Latin grammar and literature." As a child Shakespeare most likely attended a grammar school in Stratford where he learned Latin grammar and literature.

"We know that William was born the third of eight children around April 23, 1564, in Stratford, a market town about one hundred miles northwest of London" (Robert Anderson) Shakespeare had seven siblings and lived in a market town near London called Stratford born on April 23, 1564.

"Shakespeare's plays are still produced all over the world. During a broadway season in the 1980s, one critic estimated that if Shakespeare were alive, he would be receiving $25,000 a week in royalties for a production of Othello alone. The play was attracting larger audiences than any other non musical production in town." To this day shakespeare is still an important factor. It has been said that if he were still alive today he would be receiving $25k a week for just the production of Othello alone.

"He had retired from the stage by 1613 and wrote nothing in the last three years of his life" (Harold bloom) Shakespeare retired by 1613 and didn't write anything for the last three years of his life.

"In 1879, a Shakespeare Memorial was completed on the riverbank above the church. It includes a theater, a museum, and a library that contains valuable books and manuscripts having to do with Shakespeare and his life" (Mounfield)Shakespeare has a memorial that incyldes a theater,a musem and a library. "

"his works have been translated into a remarkable number of languages, and his plays are performed throughyout the world" (Lander) Shakespeare has made such an impact on the world that his works have been translated into several languages.By 1594, he wasz a charter member of the theactrical company called the Lords Chamberlain's Men, which was later to become the King's men. Shakespeare worked with this company for the rest of his writing life. Year after year he provided it with plays, almost on demand" (Anderson) Shakespeare was a charter member of a company called the Lords Chamberlain's Men where he wrote several plays year after year. "

...he is credited with introducing 300 words and dozens of well-known phrases into the English language" (Ravilious) he's introduced 300 words and a lot of well known phrases into the launguage english. "His works have been translated into a remarkable number of languages, and his plays are performed throughout the world" (Lander) His works have been translated into several different languages and his plays continue to play this day.

Works Cited

blooms literature. www.fofweb.com/Lit/default.asp.

ebsco. web.a.ebscohost.com/hrc/detail/detail?sid=1f699a63-b72a-40a2-98f8-5f9649b5f6ed%40sessionmgr4006&vid=0&hid=4107&bdata=JnNpdGU9aHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=39031723&db=khh.

“http://web.a.ebscohost.com/hrc/detail/detail?sid=1f699a63-b72a-40a2-98f8-5f9649b5f6ed%40sessionmgr4006&vid=0&hid=4107&bdata=JnNpdGU9aHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=39031723&db=khh.” blooms literary reference, web.a.ebscohost.com/hrc/detail/detail?sid=1f699a63-b72a-40a2-98f8-5f9649b5f6ed%40sessionmgr4006&vid=0&hid=4107&bdata=JnNpdGU9aHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=39031723&db=khh.

“http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar504520&st=william%20shakespeare&gr=Welcome+Chaparral+High+School%21.” ebsco, www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar504520&st=william%20shakespeare&gr=Welcome+Chaparral+High+School%21.

Lander, J. M. (2016). Shakespeare, William. In World Book Advanced. Retrieved from


William shakespeare’s life. William shakespeare’s life.

ws. Ebsco host, web.b.ebscohost.com/hrc/detail/detail?sid=4d5f4e8d-d702-43d4-958e-92485f3d108e%40sessionmgr105&vid=0&hid=130&bdata=JnNpdGU9aHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=39031723&db=khh.


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