Mixed Dementia Dayonna brown

94 percent of participants who were diagnosed with dementia were diagnosed with Alzheimer's. No drugs are specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat mixed dementia.
Physicians who think that Alzheimer's disease is among the conditions contributing to a person's dementia may consider prescribing the drugs that are FDA-approved for Alzheimer's. Mixed dementia symptoms may vary, depending on the types of brain changes involved and the brain regions affected.
overall risk factors for diseases of the heart and blood vessels may also protect the brain from vascular changes.
Mixed dementia is infrequently diagnosed during life, many researchers believe it deserves more attention because the combination of two or more types of dementia-related brain changes may have a greater impact on the brain than one type alone.


Created with images by geralt - "woman old age" • geralt - "age dementia woman" • geralt - "old people's home dementia woman" • Xanetia - "Love hurts..." • geralt - "dependent dementia woman" • geralt - "dependent dementia woman"

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