
Jessica Funes Multimedia & Web Design

Web Design

Hi there, this is Jessica Funes and my work as web designer. I made the identity and web design for the photographic exposition "Nunca + el olvido".

Link: http://nuncamaselolvido.com/

In this project I create a minimalist enviroment for clients of SIMO Consulting.

Link. http://simomexico.com/

Hello my name is Jessica Funes and this is my web design work, I made the design, and the front-end code with frameworks.


This page is under construction , it´s an index about impunity and corruption in Mexico.


Web Design screenshots

Web Pages recreated with native code

Recreation of "Good reads" page with native code.
Share books prototype, Hackaton project.

Video edition

Video for British Council "Art and disability"
Captures of the documentary film "Out of school, and out of work in Latin America"

Motion graphics

Course of Human Development for CASEDE
Typography animation for Six Flags Mexico

3D modeling

Made with Maya Autodesk
Created By
Jessica Adriana Funes Juàrez