Cascade Village by:Mitch Palmer

Our motto

No pain, no violence, just living

Our Seal

Our vision

We want to provide a living land for people to learn from others and feel all the love and needs they need to have a joyful life.

Lower Cascade Valley

Our community Rules

  1. All citizens will supplied a free education and must attend otherwise (want everyone to have an education support themselves in their future
  2. All citizens will have freedom to choose to marry and/or whom they marry
  3. All citizen have to be part of a paying job (to support themselves and/ if they have children)
  4. Everyone must live in peace and harmony
  5. All citizens must stay in Cascade boundaries otherwise, thou Cascade provides over 2,000 acres of joyful land to love
  6. Bulling in PROHIBITED, all bulling must be reported, bully will be banished from land
  7. All newly built items must follow Cascade standards, such as, homes, clothes and any other items you need (do not want any pop outs that change the way we run this establishment)
  8. All citizens must help run the Village farm (to help the people get the produce they need)
  9. 1/4 of the population must be hunter/gathers (to provide plenty of food throughout the valley)
  10. Enjoy and have fun!

our location

Unknown high mountains of Myanmar (Burma)

typical day for a cascade citizen

All members will choose what they will do, take care of family, go to job, help on the Cascade farm etc

Our government

Thou we try not say government because we feel that a real government is to controlling and political, we have a type of legislature to run the Valley, voted in by the people of Cascade valley, Marhatar (master) Duwa was the founder


Created with images by Pezibear - "landscape mountains mountain peaks" • Unsplash - "cabin rustic alps" • jpeter2 - "landscape autumn twilight" • mikko_mattinen - "waterfall norway vefsna" • zdenet - "calf cow feast" • Unsplash - "mountains sky valley" • Unsplash - "mountain side forest" • RealAKP - "goose village barn"

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