Sources of our laws super cool presentation by Allison Ricks

a coupla geese thinkin' 'bout life liberty n the pursuit of happiness

The Constitution

Constitutional laws are laws that are adopted by whole nations, and are the highest power in the legal system. All other laws--at the state and local levels--must agree with and obey the Constitutional laws. Amendments are accepted into the constitution and become law.

coupla geese flyin' home from a congress meetin'

Statutory law

Statutory laws are enacted by Congress, whether at the state or federal level. Ordinances fall under this category. Ordinances are laws enacted by town/city governments under the authority of state congress.

A member of the FDA

Administrative Law

These laws are created by all levels of government--federal, state, and local. These laws function as regulators of laws already in place. Administrative laws carry out existent laws and are regulated by the executive of whatever level of government they originate in (president, governor, mayor).

coupla geese chillin' while they do their civic duty as jurors

Case Law

Case laws are made from decisions at the federal and state courts. These laws are based on precedents set at lower courts. A good example of a Case Law is the legalization of same-sex marriage.


Created with images by Archbob - "geese water birds" • tpsdave - "geese birds flock" • SteveRaubenstine - "canada goose goose wildlife" • Tim Green aka atoach - "three geese two ducks"

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